Child and Elder Sponsorship Centers
Mount Olivet Boys’ Home (Jamaica)

Through your support, the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Program partners with agencies and churches all over the world to provide services that create opportunities and affirm dignity. For more information on how you can get involved, go to Child and Elder Sponsorship Program page.
Mount Olivet is a residential home for boys located in Walderston, Manchester, Jamaica, and operated by the United Church of Christ in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. It is a home for boys between the ages of 6 and 18 years old who are in need of care and protection. The home is a refuge to promote healing in a positive living environment for post-institutional children. Services include schooling, medical and mental healthcare, recreational, social and spiritual development. The boys are referred to Mount Olivet by the government’s Child Development Agency.
Sponsorship: $35 per month